Sending Emails in Aspen

This is a step-by-step tutorial on how to send emails to parents / guardians in Aspen.
A video of these steps can be found here:

Table of contents

School View:

    Log into Aspen.
    In the top-right corner, be in school view and select the correct building.
    click the “Student” tab in the top-left corner.
    Use the search bar or the “Advanced Filter mode” toggle on the main bar to specify the individual or group you wish to email.
    Click “Search” to finish.
    Click “Options” on the main bar, and then select “Send Email…”
This will bring up a new window.
    Specify the appropriate fields and write your email.
    This will show you the recipients receiving the email. The recipients are determined by your filtered search results (step 4) and which boxes are checked / unchecked (B). If the list is too long, it will only show you the total number.
    Check / uncheck these boxes to modify who receives the email. Checking multiple boxes means that the email will be sent to each of those groups.
Students: Send the email to the students on your filtered search.
Contacts: Send the email to the contacts (parent / guardian) of the students on your filtered search.
Teachers: Send the email to the teachers of the students on your filtered search.

Example: I could use the “Advanced Filter mode” to search for all students graduating in 2022 (step 4). In the email section (step 7) I can specify to send the email to just the “Students” graduating that year, just the “Contacts” of the students graduating that year, or just the “Teachers” of the students graduating that year.

So to send the email to just the parents / guardians of the class of 2022, I would uncheck “Students” and “Teachers” but check the “Contacts” box.
    Clicking “Add File” will bring up a new window where you can search your computer for the file you wish to attach. Select the file and then click “Open” on the bottom-right of the window. It might take a few seconds to load depending on the size of the file.
8) Click “Send” at the bottom-left of the window when you are ready to send the email.
9) Click “Yes” to confirm.

Staff View

Teachers can utilize the “Staff View” page by selecting it on the top-right of the page.This will automatically filter to just the students in your class.
You can then utilize the “Advanced Filter mode” (step 4) to filter the student list even more. Follow the above steps from there.