Deledao Teacher – Student Unblock Requests

Submitting an unblock request

When students reach a blocked site they will now have a yellow ‘Send Unblock Request’ button.
Clicking the button will bring them to this page, click Sign in with Google
They must select which teacher the request will go to and add a comment of why it should be unblocked.
At the Jr. Sr. High School students can select any teacher, they can search by name. At MES students should only have the teachers in their grade as an option to request.
When they click send they will get this message, as the staff member the request is going to, you’ll receive an email notification.

Receiving and addressing an Unblock Request

On the email notification please note:
    The website being requested, why it was blocked and WHO is requesting it. DO NOT approve a request if they are not your student.
    Why they are requesting the site to be unblocked.
    The link for you to approve or reject the request.
Clicking the link will bring you to the Deledao Teacher portal.
If you were already in the portal, instead of clicking the link you can just visit the ‘Unlock Requests’ tab.

Managing the Unblock Request

Here you can see the same information that was in the email with 3 options:
  • APPROVE – This will allow the website to be visited
  • REJECT – This will deny the request of the student with a reason of rejection
  • IGNORE – This will also deny the request but not give the student a notification of why
Rejecting a request requires you to give a reason.

Approving a request

  • By default you will be approving the website for the entire grade that student is in. IF it should ONLY be approved for that student, select ‘Requester Only‘.
  • By Default you will be approving the unblock for (30) days. If they only need it for a shorter period, such as your one class, changfe it to that number (1).
Once approved it should take effect within 5 minutes. Students can INSTANTLY see the change by clicking the Deledao extension icon and clicking Refresh Policy.