Viewing another teacher's homeroom class (team/co-teacher) in Aspen

Prerequisite: Co-teachers must be set up

Before being able to see another teacher’s homeroom/class you must already be a co-teacher assigned to their class. Please contact your office / guidance to add co-teachers as they handle this.

Viewing a specific class/homeroom that isn’t your class

Go to the student top tab/list
(*’Students in my classes’ on the filter means you’re looking at any classes you are a teacher in, including a co-teacher to another teacher’s class)


At Memorial Elementary, click the filter and choose ‘Students’ Homeroom = ?
In the popup, click the magnifying glass icon and find the teacher’s homeroom you want to view and click OK. Click Submit to use that as your filter, you’ll now be looking at that list/group of students.

Jr. Sr. High School

At the JSHS, click the filter and choose ‘Student in Specific Course = ?
In the popup enter the school year (for example 2024 for the 2023-2024 school year) and then the course ID followed by the section, separated by a hyphen, such as ‘JH580-002’:
This will show you students only in that particular class.