Staff Technology Preparation for Summer 2024

Building Specific Information

Jr. Sr. High School

  • Students in grade 7-11 keep their devices throughout the summer.
  • If a student is LEAVING the district, they need to turn in their device at the end of the school year prior to the summer.
  • Incoming gr. 7 students for the 23-24 SY will receive their devices targeted for the first day of school.
  • Special education, assistive technology and other specific use devices MUST be turned in for device inventorying and auditing.
  • Special education ipads, translators, and other specifically assigned devices.
  • If you are unsure if it is assistive technology, please ask. 
  • Leave the device AND its charger on the classroom teacher’s desk.
  • If it was not associated with a classroom please turn it into the building office for collection (during the last week of school).
  • If a device is needed for SHAPE, please notify Katie, do not keep it - it still needs to be turned in.
  • Any device(s) not turned in will be locked until we receive them, please do not forget as the device won’t be usable at the start of next school year if you hold onto it. 


  • Classrooms with carts / charging cabinets of devices (MES K-6) – please verify all devices are counted for and put into the cart/charging cabinets.
  • These will be locked for the summer, nothing else needs to be done/turned in for these devices.
  • Gr. 6 student 1:1 devices MUST be returned to the classroom carts, even if they were allowed to take them home. 
  • Special education, assistive technology and other specific use devices MUST be turned in for device inventorying and auditing.
  • Special education ipads, translators, and other specifically assigned devices.
  • If you are unsure if it is assistive technology, please ask. 
  • Leave the device AND its charger on the classroom teacher’s desk.
  • If it was not associated with a classroom please turn it into the building office for collection.
  • If a device is needed for SHAPE, please notify Katie, do not keep it - it still needs to be turned in.
  • Any device(s) not turned in will be locked until we receive them, please do not forget as the device won’t be usable at the start of next school year if you hold onto it.


  • BBC classroom technology will be disconnected first so facilities can clean the rooms prior to BBC's summer program starting. 
  • Classroom ipad sets do not need to be turned in
  • RBT/RBA/BCBA assigned, assistive technology, and diagnostic collecting ipads DO need to be turned in. If you need anything for the BBC summer program, please notify Kristen to provide us a list.

All Staff / General Information

Getting your space ‘summer ready’:

Please ensure your teacher desk and/or any space (smartboard/cart, classroom charging station, etc.) with technology is SUMMER READY.
We’ll be visiting and disconnecting all classrooms starting 6/17.
Please have everything completed for and expect no technology access in the classrooms starting on this date!

  • Remove all personal items from the area – pictures, supplies, papers, classroom items and other personal items. Your desk ideally should have nothing but your docking station, phone and related technology items remaining on it.
  • Remove any personal technology (USB drives, dongles for wireless mouse/keyboard/presentation clickers – if you leave these connected, there’s no guarantee that they’ll be there or be working, please take them home)

Teachers / Staff 1:1 Chromebooks:

  • You can keep your 1:1/staff Chromebook for the summer.
  • Please be reminded that it’s still a school device for use in relation to HPS duties/needs. It is not a personal device. Please do not bring it on vacation.
  • If you do not wish to keep it for the summer, leave it on your classroom desk we will store it for the summer.

Moving to another room:

  • Do not attempt to disconnect, move/lift or relocate any technology.
  • Please ensure your office has reported the room move ASAP as we use that list to remove technology from classrooms for moves.

Moving (within your room - furniture / technology):

  • If you’re looking to relocate your desk within the same classroom, submit a helpdesk ticket NOW. We will visit to confirm if the move can happen. 
  • As a general rule of thumb your teacher desk can essentially go anywhere that there is power and keep your docking station usable.
  • Do note that this will make your Chromebook & docking station solely rely on the wifi. While this should encounter no issues, it can lead to a greater possibility of issues compared to being hardwired for network connectivity.
  • Your PHONE must stay where it currently is to be connected to the network drop. We are not moving any network drops for phone relocations – it can possibly be wall mounted if your desk is leaving the area, or it can go on a shelf / other piece of furniture. 

Retiring / Not Returning:

  • Please ensure any technology is turned into the office. If we do not receive everything back, you will be contacted / invoiced for the missing item(s).
  • Please ensure your BADGE is turned in with any classroom keys and related items to the office upon your final departure.
  • If you would like a copy of your files (Google Drive) and related items, please see how to do this here:  Google Takeout/Transfer: Content Transfer  

Badges / Building Access:

  • Please check with your building office for general availability or building access and please check for emails during the summer if you intend to visit. Many rooms and areas will be inaccessible due to our and facilities’ summer projects/maintenance.
  • Badges will work just as they do during the school year (same schedule) as long as your office has cleared building entry/use.
  • Technology is not available, other than that designated for use by summer staff, during the summer.
  • If you come to the schools during the summer aside from these staff/programs, please do not have any expectation to have any access to technology devices or the internet.

Classroom Readiness for SY24-25:

  • We will provide list of ‘completed rooms’ when available. The list will have all rooms status on them.
If your room is not listed as completed or reconnected, it is not available for technology use, even if it looks like it has been waxed and put back together.

DO NOT attempt to plug in or connect any technology yourself.