
IMPORTANT - Signing up accounts

Signing up with ChessKid student accounts must be done in the way listed below.
If students go to 'Sign up with Google' instead the account can be adjusted however it is more difficult and time consuming.
Generally, students should not be 'signing up' themselves!
Student accounts MUST be attached to a staff 'guardian' email to be used.

Signing up your teacher account

As a teacher you can visit  and click Signup → I'm a Parent Coach or Teacher → Signup with Google (or click this: )
Once logged in you may receive a popup with username/password, that is normal and can be closed/cancelled since you used Google. It may log you out, you can just log right back in with Google:

Creating a Club

You may want to create a club prior to registering students as you can automatically enroll them in the club while registering if it already exists.

Alternatively you can add the students to the club after the fact.
A club gives you a central way for messages, matches, leaderboards, etc. within the platform. Read more here: 
When creating a club please ensure 'enable forums' is set to NO and members list is set to Admin only:

Signing up / registering students

From your teacher account go to Manage → Kids
On the right side go to Add a Kid (or multiple if doing a class/club at the same time):
Choose or enter a username and a default password (make it something simple that will be generic and used for all students, they will change it after logging in the first time)
Go back to Manage → Kids and you'll see the new accounts. You can click the 3 bar / hamburger menu next to each account to manage them (Edit Kid).
Change/update the permissions on each kid account to DISABLE messaging, club forums, friends.

The system should not be used if these are enabled.
Use the 'Print Login Cards' on the right side to easily distribute the student's information the first time:

Student first login

Once student accounts are created they should go to the login page - 
On their first login, DO NOT CLICK LOG IN WITH GOOGLE.
Enter the username & password provided to them.
Students should immediately go to the settings/gear cog for their account:
Have them change their password (they won't really need/ever use it again, it's just to set it away from the default password)
Have them enter their HPS email in the 'my email' field:
From this point they can log in using the Login with Google button.